Analyze your activity.

Collect photos and videos from your attendees to create vivid event memories. Show all the shares you’ve collected with data from live users in the marketing for the next event. Analyze the marketing segment with participant demographic information and capture your target audience immediately!

Special demographic analysis after the event!

Use Storpix at all your events within 1 year. Ask your Dedike event representative for your detailed demographic analysis after the event.

No App and No Installation Required

Fast and Convenient next generation digital event management

Advanced Visitor Statistics

Easily analyze many data such as how many visitors scanned and shared the QR code created specifically for your event.

Demographic Analysis

Take an in-depth look at the demographic analysis of your visitors in many areas such as age, gender, interest, technology experience.

Advanced Cloud Storage

All your data is stored simultaneously in multiple redundant cloud-based data centers and your event data is available 24/7 with zero data loss.

Special Representative

Dedicated dedicated event representative who is available for support throughout the duration of the event and oversees the data control of your event.

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